I am thrilled to announce the launch of AGILE, a set of programs aimed to increase inclusion and participation of Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the geosciences! Dan Ibarra (Brown University) and I are co-Lead PIs. Our other PIs are David Ho (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa), Sora Kim (UC Merced), Sonya Legg (Princeton University), Randye Rutberg (Hunter College), Jessica Wang (Bellevue College), and Sam Ying (UC Riverside).
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) represent one of the fastest growing demographics in the U.S. today and yet lag in participation and representation in geoscience graduate programs compared to other STEM fields. Thus, our program aims to recruit AAPI STEM undergraduates to geoscience graduate programs and enhance belonging of AAPI geoscientists as a whole. This project will expose undergraduates from MSIs (Minority Serving Institutions) in geoscience-adjacent STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields to geoscience research and careers, provide a new research internship opportunity and create national cross-career stage connections between AAPI geoscientists. Our ultimate goal is to produce a cohort of geoscience leaders from a group often left out of diversity discussions. Our project’s components include: 1) A researcher visit program to recruit undergraduate AAPI into geosciences via visits to AAPI-serving MSIs from geoscience researchers. 2) A research internship program to carry out research with AAPI mentors. 3) Organizing virtual and in-person events and a career development workshop to enhance belonging, identity, and leadership within the AAPI geoscience community across career stages and sectors in collaboration with the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Geosciences (AAPIiG) affinity group. Please visit our website for application information, research project sign ups, and contact information.
Our group finished out 2021 strong! Fai, Kayla, and Kim joined NSF project collaborators on a field trip to the Death Valley region. They had a great time chatting science and seeing classic Neoproterozoic - Cambrian sections with awesome folks.
Chelsie, Kaitlin, and Kim went to AGU in New Orleans. Congrats on some great presentations! |
May 2023